How To Start A Career In Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a system of manual manipulation of muscles, ligaments and tendons in order to improve the circulation of blood and other fluids throughout the body. It has been used since as early as 600 BC. Massages are most commonly given to help with recovery from injuries and to relieve stress. Massages can also improve flexibility, reduce pain and increase muscle strength. They may also be used to reduce the symptoms of some medical conditions. There are many advantages to massage. It is a natural treatment which does not involve the use of drugs and so has fewer side effects. Regular massage can help to improve your general state of health, both physically and mentally, as well as aiding with recovery from injury. It also has been proven to reduce stress levels, as well as improving fitness levels.
Tips on how to start a career in massage therapy
Below are various tips on how to start a career in massage therapy.
1. Find a massage course
The first step is to find a good massage course. There are numerous massage courses to choose from. These include, Indian head massages and foot reflexology, these are inexpensive, provided you take an introductory course, which usually costs around $200 or less. There are also more advanced courses from which you can graduate onto further studies in techniques such as lymph drainage and sports massage. However these courses tend to be more expensive, costing anything from $800-$3000 for a full-time course of up to 1500 hours or so. The most common type of massage is Swedish massage, this has 5 basic steps :
2. Keep an open mind
Remember you don’t have to practice the same massage as your instructor. You can also add to it so that it is adapted to your own style, personality and body needs. Another tip is to always listen to your body and its needs, if you feel pain anywhere that is a sign your body needs attention. The body is a very complex machine and so is massage, it can take a while to learn. Therefore you need to keep an open mind and listen to your own body rather than what the instructor tells you to do.
3. Make contacts
When you have finished your course start looking for massage jobs, the best way to do this is to ask around, you could also advertise in local papers or even put up posters locally. Then go out and do some research and use what you have learned in your training. There are lots of things to consider when looking for a job such as the conditions of employment, the time commitment and whether it is flexible enough for you.
4. Consider other work
If you are lucky enough to find a permanent job doing massage, there are still other things which will help supplement your income and keep everything ticking over while gaining experience at your chosen career. Just as there is more than one type of massage, there is also more than one way of earning extra money. If you are good at drawing, you could also offer to do free charts for people and show them how to use them. This can be especially useful for people who like their privacy and don’t want people to know that they are getting massage therapy. Also because it is not a drug it does not require prescriptions, which means you can advertise in local newspapers directly, instead of having to go through a clinic or shop. Also you will have to answer people’s questions about what massage therapists do, so if you are good at explaining it, go for it.
5. Attaining qualifications
The training necessary to become a qualified massage therapist varies between organizations throughout the industry. Training is normally obtained through an organization or trade school, which leads to a recognized qualification. Some of these courses can be studied on an evening and some are part-time. Once qualified, massage therapists can work in hospitals, beauty salons, sports programs, chiropractic clinics and many other places.
6. Getting work
Find work places through word of mouth or by checking local papers and phone books. An option is to start up your own massage business with the right training and qualifications you can help people with a range of ailments by giving them massages; even if you aren’t trained in a particular area there are lots of self-help tips around that you could help your clients use to alleviate their symptoms.
7. Work experience
Your work experience can be in any kind of massage place, this is a great way to increase your skills and knowledge while getting a foot in the door. In order to do this it will take some effort so don’t expect to be able to just walk in and get that job without any effort on your part. Think about places you would like to work at, approach them and tell them what you can do. See if they will let you come in for a few trials or trial periods etc. If they are really interested then give them a call and make an appointment. If you can show them what you’ve got and impress them enough to offer you a job then you’ve made it.
8. Continuing education
You need to keep your skills up to date so this involves going to seminars or workshops and doing lots of practice on the side of your day jobs etc. If you can find a way to learn something new every time then you will never be without information for your clients. To do this you will have to take extra books or materials with you to your new jobs and practice on the side of your day jobs.
9. Keeping a good reputation
Once you become known as a good massage therapist, people will start to notice what you’re doing and they will come back because they like how it’s going and so on. This involves having a service which people can rely on, keeping all appointments etc. Also never underestimate the importance of cleanliness and hygiene because these are major factors in having a good reputation in the massage industry.
Massage is a very important element in the healthcare world and an essential part of maintaining healthy bodies, many facets of massage such as Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage and Bodywork have been proven to relieve pain and improve overall health. Massage therapy is the art of manipulating or working with the skin, muscles and bones to affect some form of change on a patient’s physical or mental state. There are many different types of massage therapy depending on what you want to get out of it.